1YRSIE Mustaeva Olesya Nikolaevna

Aperçu de l'entreprise

Album de la société31

Informations de base
Olesya Mustayeva's Workshop is an active member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan. Since 2021, he has been a member of the Russian Perfumery and Cosmetics Association. The company's product range is certified according to the Halal standard.The missionThe company's mission is to create safe and effective cosmetic products at an affordable price.Product FeaturesThe company manufactures products according to its own recipes in compliance with GMP standards. He pays special attention to the choice of raw materials: he uses components of plant origin that have ECOCERT and COSMOS certificates, the production of which does not have a negative impact on the environment.
  • Transactions
  • Temps de réponse
  • Taux de réponse
Type d’entreprise
Pays / région
Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Nombre d’employés total
51 - 100 People
Chiffre d’affaires total
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million
Année de création
Certifications de produits
Principaux marchés

Capacité du produit

Information de l'usine

Taille de l’usine
Below 1,000 square meters
Lieu de l’usine
420030, Kazan, Naberezhnaya street,11
Nbre de lignes de production
Fabrication sous contrat
OEM Service Offered, Buyer Label Offered
Valeur de la production annuelle
US$1 Million - US$2.5 Million